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Our projects aim at improving access to education, proper nutrition and the health needs of Children getting them to take part in the formation programmes  and to participate in the development of their impoverished and unequal communities to which they belong.


The direct beneficiaries are 180 children and their families, and 90 women and their families; and the indirect beneficiaries are, 2,000 families and relatives.



The situation of Ethiopian children is alarming, droughts and repetitive famines threaten their survival. Mortality in children under 5 years is 41%, and malnutrition remains the leading cause of infantile deaths in 54% of known cases.

The beneficiaries of this project are 150 children living in extreme poverty situations, plus 30 abandoned children in the marginal neighborhoods of the administrative city of Addis Ababa and the city of Holetta, Oromia.


Through our orphans placement programme we relocate them in their communities of origin to foster families so that they are cared for, receive affection, food and education, guaranteeing them:


1. Nutrition, clothing, medical and psychological assistance.


2. Reunification of children with their families, or in case of not having living relatives in their communities of origin with host families and foster Parents.


3. Access to school and school supplies.


4. Access to own biological families, and where it is not possible, to foster families who will benefit from the  development, training and micro-credit programs so that they are self-sufficient, and the children are guaranteed a stable and balanced environment.


Every year, more than three million children under the age of 5 die from malnutrition or from causes related to it in the world.


Join us by donating € 9 every month

to ensure that a child gets basic nutrition




Food supplement kit

for a child

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To ensure that a child

gets basic nutrition

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You will sponsor a child

and contribute to improve his/her life

in the the local community.

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mujeres 1


We advocate the empowerment of women through defending and ensuring that they are able to fully exercise their basic human rights such as access to education, health and pre/post natal care by making the resources for them to accomplish this readily available to them.

The beneficiaries of this project are 90 women over the period of three years in the marginal neighborhoods of the administrative city of Addis Ababa and the city of Holetta, regional state of Oromia.


We establish workshops  for training them to learn hand craft and skills of all sorts so they learn a trade and begin to earn fair wages that makes for their true emancipation, so that they are able to guarantee proper livelihood and security for their families.


We introduce and improve the savings culture for women to develop their capacity to create capital, and expand the scope of their activities as Micro and small companies.



We take advantage of the communitarian culture of African women to promote cooperative initiatives that facilitate the development of productive projects that create wealth and self-sufficiency for them and the communities to which they belong.


We make microcredit available to women so they can carry out projects that generate employment for them and other women.


With a donation of only € 8 monthly you will join us by contributing to improve the situation of women at  an individual level and at a collective level




Food supplement kit

for a widow

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To ensure that a widow

gets basic nutrition

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For the women training

and employment program

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pozos de agua


According to the World Health Organization, every year more than 800,000 people die worldwide from diarrhoea caused by impure water, and bad hygienic or sanitary conditions.

The severe drought in Ethiopia is endangering the lives of 6 million children in this country. Hunger, diseases and lack of water are threatening their survival. Humanitarian needs have tripled in the last year.


The scarcity of water and essential food implies malnutrition, but also implies empty schools because children are forced to spend their time  in search of water or helping their families in supportive roles at very early ages.


In Aberash we build wells for the supply of pure water, and engage in the service of transportation of potable water in tankers to the communities in need. In doing this we encourage and promote  hygiene, health, responsible and sustainable use of water, and endeavour to involve locals in the construction, conservation and maintenance of these wells. The target areas are Afar, Tigray, Ethio somali, Sbenshangul Gumz, Harari, and Diredawa.


A good well yields hygiene, nutrition, health! With a donation of only € 5 monthly you will join us by contributing to improve the situation of a whole community.





for a whole family

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for a whole community

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Helps us to build new wells that benefits various communities

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