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ABERASH is a non-profit humanitarian organization that promotes and defends human rights, with special attention to the protection of children in poverty stricken situations.

Our objectives are:

Prompt move to action, giving way to a personal and immediate response to the existing problem by guaranteeing that your donation is received in real time by a child in need.


The sustainability of our project lies in the fact that our humanitarian actions will allow recipients to develop from being passive to becoming authors and champions of their own future, self-sufficient and creators of wealth.


Community development through joint and integrating action, providing for orphans placement in families willing to accommodate them through sponsorship, and the empowerment of women and host families with skill training workshops. Ensuring that their communities in which they live have access to pure drinking water and sanitation.

Promotion of local values along with universal values, thereby encouraging a united front for peace, respect for life, equality, solidarity, and ecology.

#Jordi Roig

#Emeka Chuks

#Habtamu Eticha  

In 2008 I went for the first time to Ethiopia for the celebration of the Epiphany (Timkat). Sitting in the shade, we were approached by a group of children who covered their bodies with shreds of clothing; crouching in silence, they sat on the other side of the fence. They were waiting for us to finish eating in case there was food on the plates to be able to take some of our leftovers. There I could see and feel the difference between poverty, misery, and famine.

Since that day, on January 19, we have been collaborating and sending humanitarian aid to build a better future for Ethiopian children, thanks to a humanitarian network that makes it possible. The boy who looked at me ten years ago was actually a girl, her name is Aberash, which in Amharic means "she who lights up", and today she is healthy, she has been able to go to school and she is self-sufficient. She is our source of inspiration for the project and its name, thus our impetus.


There are many cases like that of Aberash. We have achieved a lot. But in Ethiopia, there are more than 6,000,000 orphans. Now the time has come to make this initiative grow, turn it into a great project for the future, and enhance its development through sponsoring orphaned children, and relocating them to their communities of origin in host families.  In a stable and safe environment, they will be cared for, and supported with proper nourishment and education.

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